The Suicide Squad Star Jai Courtney Compares James Gunn To David Ayer

There is little doubt that Jai Courtney is already looking forward to reprising his role as Captain Boomerang in The Suicide Squad, which is set to be a completely separate thing from David Ayer's 2016 film. But what does the Jack Reacher star think about James Gunn's take on Task Force X?

Courtney recently spoke to about working with a new director on a DC Extended Universe project and no, he doesn't think "it's going to be weird."

"It's kind of funny that we're getting it up to go again and there's a bunch of new people and a bunch of old people, too. It's going to be different, for sure, but I think everyone's welcoming that challenge and welcoming the new energy in," Courtney said. He then pointed out that he is still hoping to work with Ayer again and already looking forward to what Gunn has to offer.

"I loved David, I loved working with David, I'd work with David again in a heartbeat. But Gunn, too, is quite prolific and really, obviously, does know what he's doing. I'm excited to see what he brings to it. It's going to be tonally different but very cool as well. The world has evolved from where we were at at that point; he's going to have his own take on it, and it's going to be great," Courtney concluded.

After everything we've heard about the filming of the first Suicide Squad movie, it's safe to say that Gunn's take on Task Force X will be tamer (also, no Jared Leto). Is it going to be weird? Probably, but at least nobody is going to be sending the cast any weird gifts.

The Suicide Squad is scheduled for release on August 6, 2021.

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