Superman is Going to Reveal His Identity and it Won’t be a Fake-Out

Brian Michael Bendis has changed Superman's world in more ways than one, aging his son Jon Kent to his teens, revealing that an alien was partly responsible for Krypton falling, and so much more. While the writer's work in Superman and Action Comics has received a mixed reaction, there are a number of fans who enjoy this new direction for the Man of Steel.

It looks like Bendis is planning to go all the way with these new directions since the writer and DC Comics have revealed that Superman will be revealing his identity to the world. While this isn't the first time this has happened - Lois Lane had to leak his identity during the New 52 so that he would stop being exploited by a villain - it seems like this is something Superman will be doing of his own volition.

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Credit: DC Comics

Here's what Bendis told the New York Times about his upcoming Superman story:

"I don't do fake-out stories," Bendis explained. "I did a story where Daredevil was outed - a different kind of outing - but that was his reality for 15 years. Everybody who's ever been in contact with him is going to have a completely different perspective and reaction to this. Some heroes are going to be thrilled, some heroes are going to be livid, some villains are going to change their ways."

With Bendis claiming that these stories will open up a ton of possibilities for the iconic hero, this should be interesting. DC has confirmed that Superman: Heroes #1 will deal with how characters like Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen will deal with these revelations. Hopefully, Bendis is right and we get some refreshing stories out of this.

Superman #18 comes out in December, while Superman: Heroes #1 and Superman #19 come out in January.

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