Joker Star Tells Marvel Fans To Stop Going About Like 'Outraged Religious Fanatics'

It looks like Joker star Marc Maron has some pretty strong words for Marvel fans after they spread his anti-Marvel and anti-comic book movie sentiments over the internet.

Last week, Maron went on Conan to talk about his most recent projects, and during the interview with host Conan O'Brien the actor revealed that he didn't really feel compelled to watch Endgame because he thought comic book movies were only for "grown male nerd children."

According to the actor, he had a few issues with comic book movies because he generally doesn't like the genre.

Maron's thoughts on the comic book movie genre spread like wildfire online, so the star of the critically-acclaimed Netflix series, GLOW, had to take to social media to tell Marvel movie fans to "stop acting like outraged religious fanatics."

"Hey, Marvel movie fans! Stop acting like outraged religious fanatics defending their belief system. It's okay if I don't believe," Maron wrote in his tweet, "Let it go. Also, I'm actually a big fan of a lot of comic art. Try to relax your mainstream asses."

Maron's sentiment against the comic book genre was taken with a whole lot of criticism seeing how the actor is set to appear in DC's Joker movie himself. However, the Joker movie has often been described as a film, unlike the traditional comic book genre. To the director and to the cast of the film, Joker is more like a gritty character study of a highly disturbed individual who ends up becoming Batman's most iconic villains.

What are your thoughts on Marc Maron's little anti-Marvel, anti-comic book movie rampage? Feel free to use the comment section below.

Joker premieres on October 4, 2019.

Read: Joker Star Hates Marvel And Comic Book Movies Because They're For 'Grown, Male Nerd Childs'

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