Jesse Eisenberg Explains Why He's Not Part of the Justice League Snyder Cut 'Movement'

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Fans and actors have been sharing their support in the release of the Justice League Snyder Cut, including Jason Momoa, Gal Gadot, and Ben Affleck. However, there's one Justice League actor who isn't as vocal about the movement as his co-stars: Jesse Eisenberg, who just recently shared his thoughts on the matter.

"I'm not sure because I don't watch anything I've been in, and I haven't seen either Batman v Superman or Justice League," Eisenberg revealed to Toronto Sun when asked where he stands on the Snyder Cut movement. "I know that I had a smaller part in one of them but I get pretty uncomfortable watching myself. So I'm not aware of a Snyder Cut."

"I'm not part of — I don't even know what to call it — the movement," he added. "I like Zack Snyder and I worked with him for a while just by virtue of these movies taking so long to film." The actor says he "loves" Snyder's style and aesthetic so if there's a movie he would want to release, Eisenberg is sure that it would be "great."

Eisenberg made his debut in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, playing the villain Lex Luthor. He also appeared in the Justice League post-credits scene. His future as the character remains unclear but he would like to return to the DCEU, saying that it's the "coolest role to play" and that he would even want to play it "forever." He also thinks that the character is "open to any interpretation" which is a "freeing role" that he "loves" to do.

What are your thoughts on Eisenberg's comment about the Snyder Cut movement? Tell us in the comments below!

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