James Gunn Gives Minor Production Update on The Suicide Squad

Fans were pretty excited when James Gunn was rehired for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, as a lot of people felt that Gunn shouldn't have been fired in the first place. Since the third film won't be coming out for a long while, fans have The Suicide Squad to look forward to since this will be Gunn's DC debut. He should be right at home, given how this focuses on a group of losers who are given a chance to help people.

But how far into production is the film? Well, during an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Gunn revealed that the movie has yet to start shooting, claiming that the film is still in pre-production. The movie does come out next year so there is still time to film a lot of the film so fans should relax.

"I am in pre-production on The Suicide Squad. Which I am enormously excited about."

Many fans had a mixed reaction to the first Suicide Squad, with some loving the characters and their interactions, while others thought the story was dumb and too predictable. Still, it made a lot of money for DC and Warner Bros so no one is surprised to see the company get a more acclaimed director for the sequel.

The Suicide Squad comes out on August 6, 2021.

Read: James Gunn Teases Storyboards for The Suicide Squad

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