Former Superman Dean Cain Proven Wrong About 'Truth, Justice, and the American Way'

You'd think someone who played Superman would be more familiar with Truth, Justice, and the American Way but it looks like Dean Cain just isn't. The Lois & Clark star recently appeared in Fox News and claimed that Superman couldn't say "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" these days because DC would be too scared to offend anyone with that phrase. Thankfully, Cain was proven wrong by a number of people online, including DC writer Tom King.

King's tweet is the biggest middle finger to Cain since he literally wrote a Superman mini-series that used the phrase, immediately proving the actor wrong. Many have also called out Cain's more conservative views, which would normally not be a problem but it seems that they may have muddled the actor's mind-set about the Man of Steel.

Admittedly, his potshot at Superman and DC does have a bit of merit. There was some minor controversy a couple of years ago about Superman renouncing his American citizenship, claiming to be a citizen of Earth instead. This obviously didn't sit too well with a lot of people and it led to some backpedaling from DC. It wasn't a bad movie but they probably could have handled that better.

Still, Cain is wrong about fans not liking Superman saying Truth, Justice, and The American Way. They love the fact that Superman is a boy scout who loves helping people and being a symbol of America. Dean Cain just needs to realize that Superman isn't a close-minded person like he is.

Read: Henry Cavill Responds to 'Wild' Rumors About His Superman Return

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