Dwayne Johnson Reveals Superman's Disadvantage Against Black Adam

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Fans have been clamoring to see Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in a comic book movie for years now and there is clearly no doubt that "The Great One" is the perfect casting choice to play Black Adam in the DC Extended Universe. By the looks of things, Johnson has been having the time of his life playing the anti-hero and it's only a matter of time before we see what the Man in Black brings to the table.

A lot of people are also excited about Black Adam's grand showdown with other DC superheroes like Shazam and Superman but the real question is, does Teth Adam truly have what it takes to go one-on-one with the Man of Steel on the big screen? If you were to ask the former WWE superstar himself, he's pretty confident that his character has the edge over Henry Cavill's Superman.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter to promote his new Disney project Jungle Cruise, Johnson said that Black Adam possesses all the abilities of the mighty Kryptonian and then some, which gives him a distinct advantage over Supes. He claims: "Black Adam has all the powers of Superman, but the difference is he is blessed with magic. And also, by a code of ethics in the world of superheroes, they don't kill the bad guys, but Black Adam does."

Also Read:Dwayne Johnson Reportedly Wants Black Adam to Be the DCEU's Main Hero

You can totally feel the electricity coursing through Johnson's veins and his enthusiasm over his grand DCEU debut has been nothing short of amazing. Given the actor's stature in Hollywood, there's no doubt that Warner Bros. will capitalize big time and turn him into one of the flagbearers of the franchise and I think that is the smartest thing to do. Of course, they still have a long way to go to match the MCU's consistency but they're definitely in the right direction.

Black Adam hits cinemas in 2022.

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