Doctor Who: Jodie Whittaker Confirms Return in Season 13

We may not know what will happen in the next few episodes of Doctor Who Season 12 but one thing's for sure: the Doctor will not regenerate this year. Jodie Whittaker has just confirmed that she will continue to play the Time Lord in Series 13.

Whittaker recently spoke to Entertainment Weekly about Doctor Who Series 12 where she admitted that she is still having fun playing the Time Lord. When asked whether she will be back in the next season, Whittaker didn't even bother to play coy.

"Yes, I'm doing another season," she said before adding that she might not be allowed to confirm it yet. Nevertheless, she's too excited to care.

"That might be a massive exclusive that I'm not supposed to say, but it's unhelpful for me to say [I don't know] because it would be a massive lie!" Whittaker said with a laugh.

This is great news for fans who are loving Whittaker's incarnation of the Doctor. Needless to say, the actress has no plans of giving up the coveted role soon.

"I absolutely adore it. At some point, these shoes are going to be handed on, but it's not yet. I'm clinging on tight!" Whittaker said.

We love the idea that we might see more of the Thirteenth Doctor for another season or two. Hopefully, Whittaker will continue to play the Time Lord for several years to come.

The next episode of Doctor Who Season 12 is titled Fugitive of the Judoon, which undoubtedly means we will be seeing the return of the iconic aliens. The episode is scheduled to air on BBC on January 26.

Related: Doctor Who's Latest Episode the Least Viewed in the Series After 31 Years

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