Do Gabriel and Beelzebub End Up Together in Good Omens?

Beelzebub and Gabriel standing beside each other
Credit: Amazon Prime Video

Beelzebub and Gabriel standing beside each other
Credit: Amazon Prime Video

While most Good Omens fans ship Crowley and Aziraphale, there are those who ship Gabriel and Beelzebub. So, do Gabriel and Beelzebub end up together in Good Omens?

In Good Omens Season 2, Gabriel disappears, and Heaven is looking for him. Hell is interested in Gabriel’s disappearance too.

In fact, Beelzebub asks for Crowley’s help in looking for Gabriel and says that he can have anything his “nasty little heart desires.” He could even be a Duke of Hell.

While Hell is generally interested in chaos and trouble, Beelzebub is interested in finding Gabriel for more personal reasons.

So, what happened to Gabriel and Beelzebub in Good Omens Season 2? Do they end up together?

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Good Omens Season 2. Read at your own risk!

Gabriel and Beelzebub’s Romance in Good Omens Season 2 Explained

Gabriel and Beelzebub talking
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Gabriel’s memories were stored in a fly that Beelzebub gave him. As Gabriel was gaining back his memories, flashbacks of his meetings with Beelzebub appear.

After Crowley and Aziraphale prevent Armageddon from happening in Good Omens Season 1, Gabriel and Beelzebub meet to discuss important matters.

After discussing things about Arma-bloody-geddon, they talk about how similar their positions are and how no one understands what they go through.

In their second meeting, they agree not to have another Armageddon in order to keep the status quo. Beelzebub then mentions liking the song that was playing (“Everyday” by Buddy Holly), which later on becomes their song.

Their third meeting takes place in Edinburgh, where they visit a statue of Gabriel in a cemetery. After such, Beelzebub suggests that they go to a pub.

They have some drinks in The Resurrectionist, and Gabriel casts a “small miracle” on the jukebox so it would only play "Everyday".

In turn, Beelzebub gives Gabriel a fly, which is actually a container. This surprises Gabriel as no one has ever given him anything before.

They smile at each other, and it’s clear that they have become fond of each other.

RELATED: Good Omens Season 2: What Happened to Gabriel?

Do Gabriel and Beelzebub End Up Together in Good Omens?

Beelzebub smiling at Gabriel
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Gabriel and Beelzebub end up together in Good Omens Season 2. In the present day, after Gabriel’s memories are restored, he reveals that he was coming to Beelzebub, but then he forgot.

Shax calls Beelzebub a traitor who collaborated with Heaven, and Beelzebub responds, “I just found something that mattered more to me than choosing sides.”

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The angels and the demons want to punish them, but Aziraphale suggests that they should ask Gabriel and Beelzebub where they’d like to go.

They respond that they want to be together, as Beelzebub is Gabriel’s Heaven, while Gabriel is Beelzebub’s Hell.

Beelzebub and Gabriel looking at each other
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Crowley suggests that they go to Alpha Centauri, and Uriel tells Gabriel that if he leaves, he can never come back. Gabriel says that that would be the point.

On the other hand, Shax says that Hell would send all its legions to hunt Beelzebub down, but the latter responds that Hell is badly understaffed.

Gabriel and Beelzebub sing their song “Everyday” to each other and disappear. So, Gabriel and Beelzebub choose to abandon their posts and be together.

While their relationship has similarities with Crowley and Aziraphale’s, they have different endings in Good Omens Season 2.

Gabriel and Beelzebub end up together and get their happy ending in Good Omens Season 2, while Crowley and Aziraphale on the other hand…

READ MORE: Do Aziraphale and Crowley End Up Together in Good Omens?

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