DC Comics Writer Teases New Watchmen Project

Watchmen is all the rage right now thanks to the HBO series and DC's own Doomsday Clock series, which is a weird sequel to the original graphic novel. But isn't the HBO Watchmen series also a sequel? Well yeah but without all of the cool DC characters making appearances so they can get killed by Doctor Manhattan. It looks like we're getting another project based on Alan Moore's creations and it's coming from DC writer Tom King.

This is very good news.

King teased his Watchmen project on Twitter, showing him and the original 12 issues of the series, which should make a lot of collectors jealous. Unfortunately, that's all he showed and we're still not sure who this project will revolve around and if it's going to be a sequel or prequel, maybe even (God forbid) a reboot.

For those unaware, King is a pretty accomplished writer, penning an 85-issue run of Batman, which is going to end soon, the stellar 12-issue Marvel series The Vision, and the recent 12-issue series Mister Miracle. King is also writing the screenplay for the upcoming DC film New Gods, which is likely due to his work on Mister Miracle.

As we wait for this series to come out, assuming that it's even a comic book series, fans can check out Watchmen on HBO. They can also get the graphic novel since it's been reprinted a billion times by now.

Read:Watchmen: New Stills of Ozymandias in Costume and The Ex-Silk Spectre

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