Cats Gets an All-Musical Honest Trailer


Besides the COVID-19 pandemic, Tom Hooper’s Cats was probably one of the biggest disasters to ever hit the box office. Now Screen Junkies has decided to release their Honest Trailer take on the film—and it’s a musical as well.



Thousands of years ago, humanity developed the ability to speak to one another. Now in the year 2019 BC, as in before Cats, a film will stretch the descriptive ability of language to its breaking point, plunging viewers into a wordless animal state of panic and confusion, able to only meow at a world made senseless by what they’ve just seen. So without further ado—Cats.

With Tom Hooper earning an Oscar for his work on The King’s Speech, he has somehow managed to get his name attached to Oscar bait like The Danish Girl and Les Miserables. It’s funny that the Honest Trailer would say that Satan has come to claim his prize with Cats, seeing as the movie was legendary when it comes to the scale of how catastrophic it was.

We don’t know what Hooper plans to do after this major tumble, but I have a feeling that he’s not going to be taking on musicals for a while. If anything, a lot of people weren’t really so keen on his work on Les Mis anyway, but that didn’t really matter since it got nominated for most of the Oscars back in 2013 and even won 3.

Personally, I love how terrible Cats is. It’s just balls to the wall insane, and you can’t help but keep your mouth open on how bizarre it is; it’s practically The Room but with an insane budget.

Catch Cats now available for home video.

Read Also:Watch Honest Trailer for Original Animated Mulan

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