Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Ending Explained

Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu, styled as Irina the Vampire Cosmonaut on Funimation, where it's available in English and Japanese, recently wrapped up. Based on a light novel of the same name, the 12-episode show started off quite hyped, but it ended up being one of the Fall season's quiet strengths. Below, we explain anything you need to know about the show's ending. As always, spoilers ahead.

Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Ending Explained: Lev and Irina's Speech

Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Ending Explained
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Credit: Arvo Animation

As you probably remember, the alternative history SF anime made Lev the first man to reach the moon. As such, Lev is now a hugely influential person with celebrity status in Zirnitra. Anya gets into a fight with Irina's guards so that the vampire girl can reunite with Lev.

Despite Anya's success, Irina initially wonders if everything was futile. Lev's rehearsed speech makes no mention of her, so a disappointed Irina contemplates returning to the lab and submitting to her fate.

Thankfully, a mood whiplash, in the form of uncomfortable silence, causes a major stir. With no internal dialogue from his part, Lev surprises both the attendees and the viewers by making an additional announcement. Risking his celebrity statues, Lev decides to utilize his influence in Irina's favor, praising her as the mission's unsung hero.

His words encourage Irina to join his on stage and publicly thank him for helping her go to space. She then goes on to publicly declare that her next goal is to reach the moon alongside Lev. The initially hostile crowd becomes more receptive to her, and Gregiev fabricates a new narrative, painting Irina in flattering colors, as if she had always been part of the plan.

Lev's speech is powerful in more ways than one. Not only does he thank his precious comrades, but he also proposes to alter the very structure his society is built upon. The way he talks about her is a punch for everyone who discriminated against vampires. He might not have started a violent revolution, but he definitely used his power for good, calling for unity and advocating positive change.

Related: Mushoku Tensei Season 1 Part 2 Ending Explained

Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Ending Explained: What Does the Future Hold?

Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Ending Explained
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Arvo Animation

Not all the light novel has been translated into English, and no Season 2 has been planned so far, meaning that fans will have to wait to see Irina and Lev's future. The anime, however, paused at the right moment; satisfying and uplifting.

Things don't automatically become perfect for everyone involved, but the anime suggests that the conflict between Arnack and Zinitra will, eventually, come to an end. In the coming years, Arnack continues its space program. Eventually, cosmonauts from both nations, humans and vampires both, are able to coexist, ending the show on a promising note.

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