Rian Johnson's Knives Out Has Unexpected Reviews From Rotten Tomatoes

With top critics attending the Toronto International Film Festival, The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson recently debuted his film entitled Knives Out. With top-notch actors such as Chris Evans, Daniel Craig, Toni Collette, Michael Shannon, and Ana de Armas, the film would certainly be a topic amongst the people.

This proves to be true as Johnson's Knives Out is currently rated at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, with an actual average rating of 8.65/10 with 37 reviews.

Critics admire Johnson for his take on a classic whodunnit storyline. With this film, Johnson "infused his love of the cinema and genre into his work", says Dustin Chase of Texas Art and Film.

Johnson showed how he didn't just make this movie to follow the rules of this certain genre. Peter Debruge of Variety even said that Johnson has "managed to rig it without the usual cheese."

Justin Chang of Los Angeles Times pointed out how Johnson didn't even release just a "wink-wink spoof of the classical drawing-room mystery." Chang also said that Johnson has added "ingenious twists and turns" that makes the movie stand out within a genre that has blockbuster movies previously made by talented directors.

A.A. Down of AV Club even stated that it was so "well-engineered" that if you usually try and guess ahead of the plot, you would just choose to "enjoy the way it plants and payoffs."

With this said, Johnson seems to be "reinventing" the genre with this film, according to Barry Hertz of Globe and Mail.

Since it is "contemporary but old-fashioned shaped" says Dennis Schwartz of Ozu's World Movie Reviews but all the while it makes this movie a "celebration of murder mysteries", according to Screen International's Tim Grierson.

Wrapping up these positive reviews with James Clay of Fresh Fiction. He stated that this film is a "total bullseye" and even made it a point to consider this movie as "one of the absolute most fulfilling films of the year."

Personally, I am interested in how Johnson plans to stand out from all the movies that are under the said genre. But fans can't wait to see what Rian Johnson has to offer with his new film considering the backlash he has been receiving from The Last Jedi.

Knives Out is scheduled for release on November 27.

Also Read: Rian Johnson's Knives Out Gets Overwhelmingly Positive Reviews At TIFF

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